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The Regimental Infrastructure


The following guidelines have been laid out with two aims in mind. Firstly, to inform all NCOs how to maintain the standards set by completing duties allocated to them and secondly, by informing everyone else what these NCOs of the Regiment have to contend with! Setting the duties and responsibilities down in print should ease any potential difficulties faced by promoted persons going in blind to their new positions of rank. The separate arms of Pike and Musket are henceforth known as Companies throughout this document. In all promoted posts it is taken as read that the holders demonstrate a high degree of commitment to the Regiment.


File Leaders


This is a rank only recognised within the Regiment, not within the Society. The position of File Leader does not necessarily involve constant and continued placement in the front rank of the Company. More importantly, the File Leader must be the first point of contact for the people allocated to his or her file. The file itself is for administration purposes only, the actual placement of who stands where within the Company is considered on the day of the event itself. In most cases, the file comprises a cross-section of members, and new recruits are attached singly to all File Leader lists. It is therefore the responsibility of the File Leader to telephone/contact all the members of his or her file:


  • For Regimental events, question the entire file & inform the Company Sergeant on expected attendance

  • Assist with transport arrangements for members that require it

  • Relay to the file news on the Regiment and its activities

  • Assess the equipment held by file members in order to arrange uniform and equipment loans

  • Advise on the purchase of uniform and equipment from traders at events

  • Inform all members of the file on the relevant "do's & don'ts".


This contact within the File is an important means of ensuring good turn out and high morale and it is stressed that File Leaders should undertake it regularly.


At events, the File Leader can collect his or her file together and conduct drill for postures. Indeed this aspect is something that all File Leaders should consider, as the Corporal can call on any File Leader to assist with instructing drill to new recruits. When the Corporal is absent, any File Leader may be called upon at any event to act as Corporal. A File Leader can always elect to deputise a member from their file to stand in his or her place in the front rank of the Company. This choice of a deputy should always be made with the consent of the Sergeant.


Finally all File Leaders should at least be able to provide a spare coat and breeches, and a suitable item of headwear (helmet for use with the Pike, and a soft hat for use in the Musket). This should cut down on the amount of time wasted spent trying to acquire uniform and equipment. All members of the Regiment, of whatever rank, can be a source for borrowing equipment as well and should be encouraged to bring spare items of equipment.


The File Leaders that continue to commit themselves to Regimental events, ensure their files are kept in contact, and are seen to encourage veteran and recruit members alike, are the most likely to be considered for the position of Corporal.




Those persons placed in the Regiment as Corporals have a clearly defined role on the Battlefield. Corporals are responsible for the dressings of the ranks and files, and its reforming after engagements. They should collect all new recruits sometime before morning drill or battle form-up and instruct them on basic postures and ordering. To aid in this, he/she may call on any of the File Leaders to assist. In addition, the Corporal is responsible for collecting the relevant levies from the Pike and Musket, which in turn should be given to the Treasurer if present; otherwise the money is handed to the Commanding Officer.


A Corporal should always be ready to step into the Sergeant’s position, for whatever reason. The Corporal should be able to order the Company accordingly, and therefore a familiarity with all orders is vital. Corporals standing in as Sergeants during drill sessions, even non-Regimental events, should be encouraged to further this aim. At all times, Corporals can be called upon to assist File Leaders with their duties, and vice versa.

The Corporals of Pike and Musket should have a good understanding of their respective equipment and accoutrements, be it armour or bandoliers, powder flasks or snapsacks; where to borrow it from, but more importantly to advise the new recruit on where to purchase these items from at a fair price.


Expected roles and duties of the Corporal are:


  • Instruct all recruits on postures and orders before morning drill sessions, assisted by File Leaders

  • Collect levies from all participating members, & pass onto Treasurer or Commanding Officer

  • To know the Sergeant’s role, the duties & orders required, & stand in as Sergeant when needed

  • Throughout the Battle, regularly dress the ranks & files as the Company manoeuvres

  • Reform the Company in its ranks & files after engagements

  • Be able to advise all members on the use, availability & purchase of accoutrements & equipment

  • Assist and advise recently appointed File Leaders on what is expected of them.


It is essential that the Corporal should learn the role and duties the Sergeant has to undertake. When able to at non-Regimental events, he or she should be allowed to have a taste of Company control, at the front, ordering their Company under the Field Officer’s commands.

Sergeants. For reasons peculiar to the Regiment, the Sergeant of Musket and the Sergeant of Pike always has the right-hand position of the front rank. 




The Sergeants of either Company of the Regiment hold a great degree of command. The rank & file of either Company only take their orders from their respective Sergeants, who receive their commands from the attached Field Officers. Only on a Sergeant’s orders will a Company advance, retire, wheel, change formation, attack or volley. The rank & file should be familiar with the orders given and with the location of the Sergeant. Officers giving orders to the Company should be ignored if the Sergeant is present. The Sergeant must therefore be competent in all orders and formations the Company may use on the Battlefield.


It is the Sergeant, in consultation with the Officers that places members within the ranks & files of the Company, with the emphasis on that person’s turnout and experience rather than the placing on the administration file lists. The attached Field Officers can advise, but the Sergeant’s choice is final, and to this end it can be seen that a Sergeant must get the measure of all he or she commands in the Company. It must always be considered if a person is right for the position they now stand in. It is expected that a good Sergeant will consult with the Corporal, listening to their suggestions on who should be placed where, however it is the Sergeant how will make the final decision. Particular attention to detail is important.


Away from the Battlefield, a Sergeant should contact all new recruits attached to his or her Company, getting to know them and encouraging them to turn up to events. The Sergeant should confer with File Leaders on expected turn out to events, what attention to uniform and equipment is needed and in turn, ensure that File Leaders are fulfilling their responsibilities. When Officers discuss new promotions for File Leaders and Corporals, the Sergeant should be consulted and their recommendations taken under consideration.


In summary, the duties of the Sergeant will include:


  • Ensuring that Company members are contacted and encouraged to attend Regimental events

  • Obtain information from their File Leaders, as to expected turn out

  • Ensure the required quantity and quantity of well-maintained weaponry is taken to events

  • Oversee the improvement and encouragement of File Leaders within in their roles and responsibilities

  • Have responsibility for the placement of members within the ranks & files in consultation with the Officers

  • Order the Company directly, under the attached Field Officers’ commands, on the Battlefield

  • Recommend members for promotion to the Officers when required.


The Sergeant is the senior most NCO within the Regiment. Upon the Commanding Officer’s recommendation, one Sergeant in the Regiment may be promoted and titled Elder Sergeant. The Elder Sergeant then falls into the line of command directly below the Ensign, and above all other Sergeants.




The Regimental Officers have several functions and duties in common and indeed they should endeavour to become very familiar with both armes, as they need to be able to lead either Company when the need arises. The shared responsibilities off all Officers are as follows:


  • They must oversee the NCO’s, assisting and advising where necessary

  • Officers are responsible for ensuring that a training programme is in place and is being implemented correctly

  • They must ensure that policy decisions are carried out. This involves explaining such decisions to the Membership of the Regiment

  • Maintenance of the morale of the Regiment is critical. If this drops then attendance and battlefield performance will also slump. Officers are above all Members of the Regiment and must be responsive to the concerns of the Membership

  • Officers must lead by example in turnout, equipment, and familiarity with drill and procedure. A high attendance record is of vital importance

  • Officers are responsible for the safety of their Companies on the field. They must be familiar with the safety procedures set down by the Society and the Regiment and must not compromise safety by their actions or lack of action. This is of paramount importance


An Officer commands each Company and both are appointed by the Commanding Officer. The senior ranked officer will be 2i/c of the Regiment and will command whenever the Commanding officer is absent. Similarly the junior ranked officer will command if the two superior officers are absent.

Officers commanding companies undertake the shared duties of all officers outlined above but have these additional duties:


  • Both have the same battlefield role (given the differences of each arm) and both should be able to command either Company when required to do so by the Commanding Officer. However, off the field the senior ranked officer as 2i/c will be expected to have an enhanced role in the day to day functioning of the Regiment

  • Both Officers will assist and advise the Commanding Officer in all matters pertaining to the Regiment and will support and implement the decisions of the Commanding Officer

  • The Officers and Commanding Officer will make all promotions and demotions after taking advice and opinion from the NCO’s. This includes key appointments such as Treasurer, Agitant (Adjutant), etc.


The Ensign is the most junior Officer in the Regiment and has the primary responsibility for the Colour both on and off the field. If the Ensign cannot be present at a Regimental event, arrangements must be made to ensure that the Colour is present. As the Ensign is an effect fourth in command he or she must conform to the shared responsibilities common to all Officers. In addition it may be required by the Commanding Officer that the Ensign command a Company, it is therefore important that the Ensign be competent to do so.


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